
Group Inputs and Selects with Icons.

  <Calendar color='primary' />
    placeholder='Choose Date'
    placeholder='Choose Date'
  <Calendar color='primary' />
  <Calendar color='primary' />
    placeholder='Choose Date'
  <Check color='secondary' />
  <Calendar color='primary' />
    <option>Choose Date</option>
    <option>January 2019</option>

The IconField component accepts children as its only props. It will parse children based on the isField and isIcon static properties. By default, the design system's Input and Select and pcln-icon's named icon components will work with the IconField component, but to allow other children to render, add an appropriate static property.

import React from 'react'
import { IconField } from 'pcln-design-system'
import { Calendar as CalendarIcon } from 'pcln-icons'
import CustomInput from './CustomInput'

CustomInput.isField = true

export default (props) => (
    <CalendarIcon />
    <CustomInput {...props} />